تفاصيل المدونة

IATF (Cairo 2023)

فبراير 12, 2023 64

LinkMisr took part in IATF 2023, the international event that is dedicated to the African market. For two editions, it provides a valuable opportunity for professionals and stakeholders from various industries to come together for networking, sharing knowledge, and discovering potential partnerships
As an additional feature this year, we will have a virtual presence offering full access to visitors from all corners of the world.



// انستجرام

المصنع: مدينة العاشر من رمضان - المنطقة B4 - قطعة 30 / المنطقة A2 - مصر
مبيعات الإسكندرية: 18 شارع سوريا برج الحكمة - مصر

// تابعنا
