تفاصيل المدونة

IMCE (Cairo 2023)

مارس 10, 2023 65

A networking event was arranged by the Federation of Egyptian Industries under the auspices of His Excellency President Sisi, who inaugurated the framework of the exhibition.

At LinkMisr, we once again proved our remarkable capabilities by swiftly and efficiently participating in this networking event. International Manufacturing Convention & Exhibition 2023 was a truly remarkable experience, that gathered key figures from Egypt’s manufacturing sector, fostering collaboration and exchange under one roof.

It presented a chance to elevate the Egyptian industrial sector to new heights while showcasing our country’s manufacturing prowess to visiting international delegations while facilitating connections between Egyptian companies and the military sector, which sought to source from participating Egyptian enterprises.

We were particularly pleased with the success and recognition we achieved at IMCE 2023. LinkMisr proudly stood as the pioneer and significant contributor to the localization of the storage industry, representing Egypt’s manufacturing sector with the highest international standards and demonstrating dedication as a national economic entity.



// انستجرام

المصنع: مدينة العاشر من رمضان - المنطقة B4 - قطعة 30 / المنطقة A2 - مصر
مبيعات الإسكندرية: 18 شارع سوريا برج الحكمة - مصر

// تابعنا
