تفاصيل المدونة

LinkMisr Shares How Warehouse Automation Transforms Operations

سبتمبر 12, 2024 60

LinkMisr International is a leading industrial company specialized in manufacturing shelving and racking systems now serving North America.

Recently, Simon Armanious shared more about how the Egyptian company is an advocate for goods-to-person automation. Simon noted that LinkMisr was established in Egypt in 1993 and now has four factories.



// انستجرام

المصنع: مدينة العاشر من رمضان - المنطقة B4 - قطعة 30 / المنطقة A2 - مصر
مبيعات الإسكندرية: 18 شارع سوريا برج الحكمة - مصر

// تابعنا
