Euro Steel Drawers
Steel Drawer (full-width)
supplied as a kit
Material: Mild steel, with steel runners, support brackets & fixings.
Finish: Painted Link/Light Grey.
Features: Drawer pulls out on telescopic slides, and can be sub-divided for the more efficient storage of small items.
Benefits: Drawer is fully accessible and provides protective storage for small, valuable orfragile items. When closed, drawer contents are shielded against dust
- Steel Drawer is 450mm nominal depth only, with support brackets available to fit 450, 500 or 600mm bay depths.
- Drawer load 45 kg : 55 kg
Material & Finish: Dividers: mild steel, painted; Sub-dividers, plain aluminium.
Features: The inner perimeter of a Pull-OutDrawer is slotted at 25mm increments to accept Slotted Dividers, which fit either the drawer depth or width.
Also available are Plain Sub-Dividers, located between slotted dividers and the drawer slots to create smaller storage compartments.